Sunday, January 15, 2017

Waging Peace (Ahimsa) With Environmental Justice

Interested in environmental justice?!  One of the best ways of helping the environment is valuing vegetables.  Eating plant based protein is the number one way of reducing green house gases while still an excellent way of improving muscle, collagen, and human growth hormone (HGH) function!

Replace eating animals with beans and quinoa, one of the grains highest in protein.  Edamame is a full protein without having to add grain.  Mix your favorite tasting grains and beans until you love the taste of your highest protein choice, I like adding curry making  a delicious Dahl!

Proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are essential nutrients!  Edamame, beans and quinoa (traditionally beans and rice) are excellent protein choices.  Nuts and seeds are mostly fats.  Vegetables, fruits, and grains are carbohydrates (if you are underweight include more grains). Satiety, feeling satisfied, occurs when eating proteins, fats, and carbs together at one time.  Eating with gusto, enjoyment, and pleasure, is my favorite way, while curbing flatulence by eating slower!

Remember value vegetables!  If you are battling any bulge you can eat as many greens (think salad without sauce) as your snacking heart desires.  Fresh is best!

Your body will thank you!  Liver function improves, fat dissipates (remember to exercise daily with a good dose of Kriya (See Sessions and Pricing at the side bar of Good Luck!

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