Monday, August 8, 2022

Resist [Brahmac(h)arya], A Lifestyle Habit

Let us begin intending (sankalpa) to celebrate life, wage peace and harmonize responsibilities of Classic-practice (Ashtanga), values of Sentient-plexi (chakras) and principles of a Bio-enviro-psychi-socio-philisophical (panache-maya-kosha) model of care! Integral responsibilities include civil (yama), polite (niyama), posture (asana), breath (pranayama), holding-tension (Pratyahara), attention (dharana), meditation (dhyana) and living-meditation (samadhi). Indispensable values are 1.) Earth/coccygeal plexus (muladhara) 2.) water/sacral plexus (swadishtahana) 3.) fire/solar plexus (manipura) 4.) air/cardiac-pulmonary plexus (anahatha) 5.) sound/brachial-pharyngeal plexus (visshuddha) 6.) light/cavernous-cerebral plexus (Jana) 7.) ether/coronal plexus (sahasrara) - into the recycle system - 8.) space/above 9.) metal/beyond 10.) electrical/connection 11.) gas/around & 12.) wooded/grounds. Inspiring principles include longevity, vitality, mentality, intellectuality & spirituality. The pleasure (sukha) of harmonizing holistic health is an intensive self-care known as Lifestyle Medicine!

The responsibilities of ashtanga consider the yamas, civil societal norms or social-restraints, one of those being Brahmacharya important to Lifestyle Medicine/Management. The specific responsibility of brahmacharya can be translated as, 'without touching' or more broadly as, 'resisting', other translations include without controlling, without addiction and celibacy, possibly accounting for the prevention of nymphomania and rape. The book, The Language of Yoga, translates brahmacharya as, "appropriate use of one's vital energy". Remembering civil codes of honor (yamas) like brahmacharya may be helpful to resisting for nothing less than safe, consentual, compassionate care!

Lifestyle medicine inclusive of brahmacharya can improve the safety of populations helpfully reducing incidents of disease. Social Distancing (brahmacharya) and coverings are protective norms in some cultures which Eastern religious (Islamic) women, during outings, utilize. Yoga Sessions helpful to acquiring a lifestyle of playful equanimity throughout the day can progress interests periodizing teachable moments when loving to learn yamas, like brahmacharya, can readily occur keeping students attentive (Dharana). Brahmacharya is a helpful teaching tool during Classic Physical (Hatha), Knowledgable (Jnana), Cultivated (Raja), Causative (Karma) and Reverent (Bhakti) Practices in learning to work/live (Samadhi) for world-peace (shanti)! 

Brahmacharya a loyal lifestyle including a habit of self-care reduces symptoms of disease (dukha) increasing outcomes of ease (sukha) when pleasurable trustworthy (satya) feelings can accumulate. Research compiled by Dean Ornish's Lifestyle Medicine indicates 1.) marriage without a person's marital partner being their confidant is more successful for longevity then 2.) no marriage and no confidant while 3.) a loving monogamous relationship ultimately bound by marital confidence indicates the highest rates of longevity. Possibly a form of brahmacharya, healthy lifestyle choices and practices are encouraged such as safely holding your orgasmic plasma or that of your marital partner during coitus. Whereas marriage is normally a good sign of a loving relationship for feeling safe together, appreciating a no more than once daily practice, where-in Berkeley Health reported from WebMD stating, the happiest people are having sex once every two weeks! 

Sentience paired with sapience (ojas~bindu) holding ovum/semen at the pelvic floor/perineum (mullah bandha) during orgasm without expelling or exchanging during intercourse requires a cohesive biological systematic "autonomic" functioning for longevity a biologically proficient physical body sustained by whole plant foods optimized by postures (asana). Correlating Brahmacharya with the anahatha chakra value four within the pancha-maya-kosha principles can improve civilized capillary exchange for energy (prana) begetting energy metabolizing nutrients as climaxing/exercising opens sensorineural pathways and a vie-a-vie integration for vitality (prana-maya-kosha) in an environment of subtle emotional energy sustained by air optimized by breaths enhancing power holistically. Mentality (mana-maya-kosha) sustained by thoughts (chitta) which are optimized by holding-tension (Pratyahara) cessating (unwanted) thoughts (chitta vritti nirodaha) whereby peace of mind often includes Yamas such as brahmacharya enhancing a psychologically wealthy mature mind protecting (Kosha) intellectuality (vijnana-maya-kosha). Therefore, keeping in mind brahmacharya while loving, correlating to the fourth value, is "the wealth to love and be loved, a maturity without taking anything personally and without taking anything for granted, a mindful equanimity" protects (Kosha) intellectuality, "the wisdom of freedom, the intelligence of responsible ways and the intuition of understanding" a social science sustained by hypothesis/theories optimized by attention (Dharana) to research/meta-analysis 

Brahamacharya may be a warning, hopeful sign, healthy habit, moderate key and or other inclination. Yet, for spirituality sustained by prayer, talking to the universe and everything, correlating the fourth value japa known at Yoga Training (Touch) as, "an attitude of gratitude and generosity, graciously thankful to lead and follow the heart while soul searching for True-self arising (brahmin, atman, parusha)" is loving. Optimized by meditation (dhyana), listening to the universe and everything, brahmacharya as well as other classic practice responsibilities can enhance a philosophically and or theologically happy blissful spirit. Affirming the fourth chakra value within pancha-maya-kosha the modern mantra summary is, "Air Alive Live Love Survive Thrive"!