Showing posts with label ashtanga. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ashtanga. Show all posts

Monday, December 13, 2021


​I was asked by a client, "Do you believe in miracles?" The short answer is yes. The long answer begins with the awareness that Charles Babbage (1791-1871), an English Polymath considered by some as the “Father of the Computer” has stated, "If we define a miracle as an effect of which the cause is unknown to us, then we make our ignorance the source of miracles!" To counter ignorance let us define responsibilities, realize values of source and choose subtle-body principles☮️

First, to understand classic physical (hatha), mental (jnana), cultivation (raja), causation (karma) and reverence (bhakti) practices are taught via eight-limbs (as(h)tanga). Within ashtanga are specific practice examples. Faith (ishvarahpranidhana) for example is a polite (niyama) serene-determination connected to hope and love. Astanga classic practice responsibilities include, civil (yama), polite (niyama), posture (asana), breath (pranayama), hold-tension (pratyahara), attention (dharana), meditation (dhyana) and living-meditation (samadhi)🆔

Second, to realize wellness within the Yoga Therapy Bio-enviro-psycho-socio-philosophical (Panc(h)a-maya-kosha) model from the values of longevity, vitality, mentality, intellectuality and spirituality. The model encompasses ‘five protections from illusion’, a more literal translation of the Sanskrit word pancamayakosha. The outermost bodily protection is biological (a(h)na-mayakosha) as well as being the first gross-body protection of the atmosphere working out into the cosm. The next protection (kosha) towards inner bliss is environmental (pra(h)na-mayakosha). Then, the psychological (ma(h)na-mayakosha), followed by the sociological protection known as vijna(h)na-mayakosha a wise intelligent intuition. All four koshas protect the a(h)nanda-mayakosh; the outermost macrocosmic protection is mirrored in the soul as the innermost protected sheath, veil, layer or micro-essence of source, force and or being⚛️

Next, through subtle-body principles particular to general and specific plexus (chakra) correlations in the seven to twelve system format. The Cavernous-cerebral plexus (Ajna, 6th chakra) is correlated to science, to proof. The Sacral plexus (Swadisht(h)a(h)na, 2nd chakra) is correlated to feeling, to theory. Specific to the vijnana-mayakosha, respective of 2nd and 6th chakra correlations, are relationship equity, a kindly togetherness for parasympathetic inhibition and excitation responses as well as top down, bottom up and processes that evolve around for information exchange. When through love, a Cardiac-pulmonary plexus (Anahata, 4th Chakra) correlation, a oneness of theory and proof unveils miraculous realities that defy death and provide cures, specifically with free and responsible (astanga) ways of understanding. Yoga therapy patrons benefit from innate full circle realizations integrated by a yoga therapist’s responsibilities, values and principles☯️ 

Furthermore, intuition (vijnana) is most closely correlated to bliss (ananda). In the Yoga Therapy model intuition is an aspect of sociology where theoretical feelings, such as feelings of equanimity (anahata), are validated by populations world-wide. Scientific research proofs when mathematically speaking, according to, are a way of understanding “in which there is an identity element that, on operating on another element, leaves the second element unchanged, and in which each element has corresponding to it a unique element that, on operating on the first, results in the identity element.” A verification by multiple groups is known as meta-analysis whereas correct correlations support theories. The UE Group of researchers at eloquently states, "...success metrics, preferences, and ratings gathered from quantitative research helps validate and inform... By adding qualitative research takes it a step further, uncovering the motivations, behaviors and emotions..." An awe inspiring intelligence can be miraculous when allegedly unreplicatable revelations or unknown ancient practices are wisely accepted becoming future endeavors as intuition touches the soul💟

Finally, inspire (small) miracles with classic practice references in parentheses by noticing a happy blissful spirit through chakra correlations. The string of affirmations (japa) include: 1) Have ahimsa; without harm share the joy 2) feel the faith (ishvarahpranidhana); rejoice in joy 3) believe in yourself (astikya) to eccocentrically apply healthy-habits (hutu) and safety-rules (vrata)  4) Namaste is gracefully saying ‘thank you’ when leading and following your heart while omnipresently soul searching for ‘True Self Arise’ (Brahmin, Atman, Parusha, Id) with an attitude of gratitude and generosity 5) let laughter happen (bhoga) 6) Gently smile (sukha) 7) dare to dream ~ peace is possible (shanti) 8) explore beyond horizons with awareness (samadhi)  9) self-directed destiny is divinity (divya, nirvana, moksha) 10) seek heights and depths as well as open spaces and crowds in cosmic universal harmony (pranava) 11) compassionately embrace the journey victoriously (jaya) 12) smartly write a happy process and ending (buddhi). Observe the effects from the japa that can enlighten the anandamayakosha. Be protected without illusion (kosha) by the dance of energy; Om namah shivaya🕉

Monday, November 4, 2019

Yoga (Holistic) Strength

Participation often occurs upon the strength of our convictions, the tenets (yamas) and precepts (niyamas). When Centering, stand (tadasana), notice the strength and energy of the feet, pelvic floors/perineum, core, hands and neck. Feel muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout the body drawing bones into a cohesive whole. Notice breath (vyana pranayama), withdraw (pratyahara) from distractions, focus (dharana) upon yama, niyama, asana, pranayama through pratyahara in an enduring focus known as meditation (dhyana) while perfecting practices (ashtanga) of awareness (samadhi)! defines strength as:
  1. The quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor.
  2. Mental power, force, or vigor.
  3. Moral power, firmness, or courage.
  4. Power by reason of influence, authority, resources, numbers, etc.
  5. Number, as of personnel or ships in a force or body:
A regiment with a strength of 3000.
  1. Effective force, potency, or cogency, as of inducements or arguments:
The strength of his plea.
  1. Power of resisting force, strain, wear, etc.
  2. Vigor of action, language, feeling, etc.
  3. The effective or essential properties characteristic of a beverage, chemical, or the like:
The alcoholic strength of brandy far exceeds wine
  1. A particular proportion or concentration of these properties; intensity, as of light, color, sound, flavor, or odor:
Coffee of normal strength
  1. Something or someone that gives one strength or is a source of power or encouragements, sustenance:
The Bible was her strength and joy.
  1. Power to rise or remain firm in prices:
Stocks continued to show strength. The pound declined in strength.

The above definitions can be placed in holistic categories. The categories classifications or protections include, responsibilities values principles of a healthy physical body, powerful emotional energy, wealthy mature mind, wise intelligent intellect and happy blissful spirit. Most people have heard of body/mind or body/mind/spirit practices while approaching from a Yoga Therapists perspective Classical practices include principles of body, energy, mind, intellect and spirit!

Practicing during Strength Sessions the precept of discipline (tapas) applies. According to Deborah Adele, author of The Yamas & Niyamas, “It is our determined effort to become someone of character and strength.”  Holding positions (asanas) of strength is character building, forming us into svelte images; ‘our bodies are our temples’!

Prana, ‘energy in from the environment’ breaths help resist strain and wear. Relaxing (pratyahara) into strength is a surrendered determination which is comforting during long isometric holds. Focused attraction (dharana), often at the sight of muscular improvements may help in staying attentive (dhyana) during strength poses or thinking about the benefits of being strong, like helping with tasks. A Oneness or Holistic strength of being able is felt through to the bones with a density that lives on (see Yoga Lift); om namah shivaya!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Cultivate Good (Tapas)


❣️Hatha Yoga pronounced hah tah is a Physical Practice of uniting opposites; pose (asana) counterpose, standing and sitting, prone and supine asana and movements (vinyasa) of strength, balance and flexibility. Ashtanga or Eight Ways, of perfecting awareness, are Classical Practices including precepts (niyamas). Discipline (tapas) is a niyama of ashtanga

The language of Yoga is Sanskrit (to learn more read the "Sanskrit" Blog). A more literal translation of tapas is, “practice changing heat”¹. Many of us appreciate attending to our needs whether rest and relaxation (zen) or activation and movement (zest).Tapas is a way of regulating heat. 

Exercise, movement, work and play, dancing, prancing and sway are forms of tapas. Body Type (Dosha) responses to trainings are beneficial, for example Lift Sessions ground, center and improve bone density balancing vata's small build, Basic Sessions help balance pitta's medium build, and the extra flow and go of Power Sessions balance kapha. All Trainings have specific benefits helping improve more than a person's body type. People interested in the options available at Yoga Training (Touch) can find out more by visiting  

Translating tapas as a way of cultivating good with optimistic discipline is acceptable. For example completing a Hatha yoga routine can be considered good while knowing the way of optimism, with a smile helps. Letting go of the illusions of immaturity for the protections of a wealthy mature mind (mano-maya-kosha) may initially feel difficult, yet being able to wait, reevaluate and follow-through with spiritual growth has greater amounts of freedom; tapas to the rescue❣️

1.) "The Language of Yoga" by Nicolai Bachman