Friday, January 3, 2025

Enhancement (Aztanga) Session by Phases

PHASE I: Center; pre warm-up
A Civil-ethical-atmosphere (yamas), compassionately, without harm (ahimsa), empathetic; breathing in and out of the nose only sharing the joy (ananda)
Standing (Samasthittih): Kinetic alignment
  • Mountain (Tadasana): Body holds (bandhas)
    • insteps of feet supporting legs (Pada bandha) - rise up to balls of feet and balance back on heels roll to outer edges and insteps with feet aligning feel even displacement of weight in balls of toes, balls of feet, outer edges & heels as energy rises up from the Earth (Earthing the insteps.
    • pelvic floor/perineum supporting pelvis (mula bandha) - posterior and anterior pelvic tilts, circles & figure eights in coronal/frontal plane, sagittal plane & transverse plane multidirectionally as able which releases tension in the neck and jaw (Feldenkrais)
    • core supporting abdominal cavity (uddiyana bandha) - abdominals up back and in transferring strength (sukha) between lower and upper body, vie-a-vie; gentle torso rotation, twists, & lateral bends
    • upper back supporting chest (rhomba bandha) - original hold benefitting pelvis through a neutral spine; chest contraction & expansion to neutral shoulder alignment with scapular retraction shrugging "maybe" & after rolling shoulders up, back, down & around
    • neck supporting head (uddiyana bandha) - slight posterior press of the cervical spine aligning ears over shoulders, chin perpendicular to the neck nodding "no" & after nodding "yes"
    • center of palms of hands supporting arms & shoulders (hasta bandha) - benefits energy exchange through the carpal tunnel of the wrists supporting upper appendicular systems elbows & shoulder girdle alignment during hand balance postures (asanas)

PHASE II: Swoop; begin warm-up
A Polite-safe-space (niyamas): clean (saucha) spaces & places, pure spirit, clear mind; rejoicing in happy body sensations, feeling the faith (ishvarapranidhana)
Forward bend (viparita) Hands to toes/feet (Padangusthasana/Padahastasana): lifting by extending torso at the pelvis & lowering by flexing/hinging torso at the pelvis, ensuring abdominals are up back and in (uddiyana bandha) lifting & lowering by engaging the back of the legs - hamstring group of muscles (lateral to medial biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimebranosous) arms swooping like wings*
  • arms relaxed down from sides
    • nodding head "yes" & "no" while inverted, relaxing intervertebral cervical spine
  • arms bent (flexed) hands on waist/hips
  • *arms extending (utthiti) out from sides abducting hands away from body and adducting hands towards the body in the coronal/frontal plane while lowering flexing torso at the pelvis inverting down, and as the body lifts, extending thorax to stand
  • held like a fulcrum overhead increases the intensity of the pose (asana) as the thorax and upper appendicular systems (arms) hinge as one in the sagittal plane flexing at the pelvis to lower and extending to lift
  • centered (unjali mudra) 

Standing (stihtti) wide legs (Devasana)

Cycle through poses, from all on one side to the other side in reverse order. On odd numbered days begin with the left foot back on even #ed days begin with the right foot back. Practice 1/2 a set, or perform a whole set with right or left leg forward & again with the other foot forward; physical activity (PA) with postural-alignment (asana) in three planes of motion, without comparisons, believing in yourself - intrinsically inspirational (astikya)
  • Extended Triangle (Utthita Trikonasana) in the coronal/frontal plane
    • Bound Triangle (Buddha Trikonasana) in the coronal/frontal plane
    • Revolved Triangle (Parvritta Trikonasana)
  • Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana) in the coronal/frontal plane
    • Bound Side Angle (Buddha Parsvakonasana) in the coronal/frontal plane
    • Revolved Bound Lunge (Parvritta Buddha Unjaneyasana) in the coronal/frontal plane & transverse plane
  • (Standing) Side Splits (Prasarita Padottanasana) in the coronal/frontal plane & sagittal plane
    • Headstand (Shirsasana)
  • (A leg to the) Side Stretch (Parsvottanasana) in the coronal/frontal plane, transverse plane as the forward leg's pelvic bone moves back and the back leg's pelvic bone moves forward aligning collateral anterior superior iliac spinal (ASIS) crests & sagittal plane as the torso extends (utthita) hinging over the side leg which has become the front leg noticing intrinsic inspiration (astikya)
    • OneLegFierce (EkaPadaUtkatasana) Hamstring Stretch bending back leg sit bones towards the ground while front leg draws back remaining in knee extension torso hinges forward hands to(wards) front foot lifting foot off the ground. 
  • Hands To Foot (PadaHastasana) raising front foot off the ground back leg and torso extend (utthita) with 'front' leg in pelvic flexion extending at the knee of the lifted leg if not already extended.
  • Hand To Foot (PadaHastasana) with knee extended in leg pelvic flexion abduct leg to the side (coronal frontal plane)
    • Extended Side Torso Hand To Foot  (UtthitaParsvaPadaHastasana) opening torso with arm extended back parallel to the ground
    • Extended Revolved Side Torso Hand To Foot (UtthitaParvrittaParsvaPadaHastasana) switching hand hold revolve torso with arm extended back parallel to the ground
    • Torso Over One Leg Extension (Hasta EkaPadaPascimottanasana)t

PHASE III: Salutations; Sun, Moon, Earth, Humanitarian
  •  Standing (Samasthiti/Tadasana)
    • Standing arms raised optionally onto the balls of the feet (Raja Tadasana)
    • Lateral bends arms raised, pressing hands towards one another while stretching from side to side
  • 1.) Ekam [Fierce (Utkatasana)]: flexing knees and pelvis as torso remains upright
  • 2.) Dve [ForwardHinge (Uttanasana)]: inverting by extending knees and flexing torso at the pelvis
  • 3.) Trini [Forward Hinge Torso Extended Out (HastaPadasana)]
    • float back
    • QuadrupedHover (ChaturangaDandasana)
  • 4.) Chatwari [CrocodileHold (Nakrasanasana)]
    • QuadrupedHover (Chaturanga Dandasana)
    • Cobra no hands (Bhujangasana mukta hasta)
  • 5.) Pancha [UpDog (UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana)]
  • 6.) Zat [DownDog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
    • 7.) Sapta [Explorer I (Virabhadrasana Eka)]
      • Cobra no hands (Bhujangasana mukta hasta)
    • 8.) Aztau [UpDog (UrdhvamukhaSvanasana)]
    • 9.) Nava [Down Dog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
      • Handstand Scissor Kick Float up & switch legs down (AdhomukhaVrksasana)
    • 10.) Dasha [Explorer I, II & Reverse (Virabhadrasana Eka, Dev & ...)]
      • handstand scissor kick legs up  & together float down (AdhoMukhaVrksasana
    • 11.) Ekadasha [DownDog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
      • QuadrupedHover (ChaturangaDandasana)
    • 12.) Dahvadasha [CrocodileHold (NakrasanaAsana)]
      • QuadrupedHover (ChaturangaDandasana)
      • CrocodileHold (NakrAsana)
      • Cobra, no hands (MuktaHastaBhujangasana)
    • 13.) Trayodasha [UpDog (UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana)]
    • 14.) Chaturdasha [DownDog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
      • Float 
      • Handstand or Handstand Scissor Kicks (AdhoMukhaVrksasana)
  • 15.) Panchadasha [ForwardHingeTorsoLift (HastaPadasana)]
  • 16.) Zodasha [Forward Hinge (Uttanasana)]
  • 17.) Saptadasha [Fierce (Utkatasana)]
    • Raja Tadasana
  • Samasthiti/Tadasana
Half a set is complete, Repeat on the Other Side (ROS) to complete One Set, beginning with the other leg held stabilizing in place, for example on even numbered days (2, 4, 6, etc.) the right leg holds, stabilizing in place as the left leg moves forward, side-to-side or backward and on odd numbered days (1, 3, 5, 7 etc.) the left leg holds stabilizing in place as the right leg moves with arms held in place down from sides, at waist, swooping, overhead, centered (unjali mudra) or contralaterally to legs.
Moonsalutation, standing poses (asanas) of the primary series
  •  Standing (Samasthiti/Tadasana)
    • Standing arms raised optionally onto the balls of the feet (Raja Tadasana)
    • Lateral bends arms raised, pressing hands towards one another while stretching from side to side
  • 1.) Ekam [Torso Forward Flexion Holding Big toe pose (Padangustasana)]: flexing torso at the pelvis knees remain extended as able
    • Gently bend, flexing knees supporting the torso on the legs reaching hands to big toes bending elbows towards knees as needed
  • 2.) Dve [Torso Forward Flexion Hands under feet (Padahastasana)]: completely invert by extending knees and flexing torso at the pelvis with hands held under the balls of the feet, elbows in toward legs flexing as needed
  • 3.) Trini [Extended Triangle (Utthiti Trikonasana)] Legs Extended at the knees as front leg stabilizes and back leg steps back spreading legs, torso laterally flexes over the front/forward leg extending from the back leg with arms extended in the frontal/coronal plane as the front arm lowers towards the foot and the back arm reaches up aligning hands/wrists, elbows, & shoulders 
    • Bound Triangle
    • Revolved Triangle
  • 4.) Chatwari [Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana)]
    • Revolved Side Angle (Parvritta Parsvakonasana)
    • Revolved Bound Side Angle (Parvritta Baddha Parsvakonasana)
  • 5.) Pancha [Spread/Wide Legs (Prasarita Padottanasana)]
  • 6.) Zat [Spread/Wide Side Stretch (Parsvottanasana)]
    • 7.) Sapta [Explorer I (Virabhadrasana Eka)]
      • Cobra no hands (Bhujangasana mukta hasta)
    • 8.) Aztau [UpDog (UrdhvamukhaSvanasana)]
    • 9.) Nava [Down Dog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
      • Handstand Scissor Kick Float up & switch legs down (AdhomukhaVrksasana)
    • 10.) Dasha [Explorer I, II & Reverse (Virabhadrasana Eka, Dev & ...)]
      • handstand scissor kick legs up  & together float down (AdhoMukhaVrksasana
      • 11.) Ekadasha [DownDog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
        • QuadrupedHover (ChaturangaDandasana)
      • 12.) Dahvadasha [CrocodileHold (NakrasanaAsana)]
        • QuadrupedHover (ChaturangaDandasana)
        • CrocodileHold (NakrAsana)
        • Cobra, no hands (MuktaHastaBhujangasana)
      • 13.) Trayodasha [UpDog (UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana)]
      • 14.) Chaturdasha [DownDog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
        • Float 
        • Handstand or Handstand Scissor Kicks (AdhoMukhaVrksasana)
  • 15.) Panchadasha [ForwardHingeTorsoLift (HastaPadasana)]
  • 16.) Zodasha [Forward Hinge (Uttanasana)]
  • 17.) Saptadasha [Fierce (Utkatasana)]
    • Raja Tadasana
  • Samasthiti/Tadasana
PHASE IV: Cycle; 
PHASE V: Strengthen
A. standing B. inverted C. prone D. sitting & E. supine
PHASE VI: Stabilize (One-leg, Hand-balances & Sit-bones) 
A. standing B. inverted C. prone D. sitting & E. supine
PHASE VII: Stretch
A. standing B. inverted C. prone D. sitting & E. supine
  • Exploration I (Virabhadrasana (Ekam)
  • Exploration II (Virabhadrasana (Dvi)
    • Exploration of Space (Virabhadrasana Option)
  • Sagittal Plane/Front FootToHand (PadaHastasana)
  • Frontal/Coronal Plane/Side Foot To Hand (ParsvaPadaHastasana)
  • Bound 1/2 Lotus (ArdhaBaddhaPadmasana)
    • Eagle (Garudasana)
  • 1/2 Splits (Ardha Hanumanasana)
  • 1/2 Splits Holding Back Foot Variation (ArdhaBaddhaPadaHastaHanumanasana)



Prone (Adhomukha)



Sitting & Kneeling



Supine (Urdhva Mukha)
  • Bridge
  • UpBow
  • OneLegUpBow
  • KneelingLyeBack
Lying supine palms face up, arms @ sides mindful process breath (uduana) or raja shavasana with arms overhead

  • Feldenkrais, Moshay Pinchas (1904-1984): Ukrainian Israeli movement specialist founded the Feldenkrais Method, quoted as saying, "Making the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant"

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