Showing posts with label maturity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maturity. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Cultivate Good (Tapas)


❣️Hatha Yoga pronounced hah tah is a Physical Practice of uniting opposites; pose (asana) counterpose, standing and sitting, prone and supine asana and movements (vinyasa) of strength, balance and flexibility. Ashtanga or Eight Ways, of perfecting awareness, are Classical Practices including precepts (niyamas). Discipline (tapas) is a niyama of ashtanga

The language of Yoga is Sanskrit (to learn more read the "Sanskrit" Blog). A more literal translation of tapas is, “practice changing heat”¹. Many of us appreciate attending to our needs whether rest and relaxation (zen) or activation and movement (zest).Tapas is a way of regulating heat. 

Exercise, movement, work and play, dancing, prancing and sway are forms of tapas. Body Type (Dosha) responses to trainings are beneficial, for example Lift Sessions ground, center and improve bone density balancing vata's small build, Basic Sessions help balance pitta's medium build, and the extra flow and go of Power Sessions balance kapha. All Trainings have specific benefits helping improve more than a person's body type. People interested in the options available at Yoga Training (Touch) can find out more by visiting  

Translating tapas as a way of cultivating good with optimistic discipline is acceptable. For example completing a Hatha yoga routine can be considered good while knowing the way of optimism, with a smile helps. Letting go of the illusions of immaturity for the protections of a wealthy mature mind (mano-maya-kosha) may initially feel difficult, yet being able to wait, reevaluate and follow-through with spiritual growth has greater amounts of freedom; tapas to the rescue❣️

1.) "The Language of Yoga" by Nicolai Bachman