A Civil-ethical-atmosphere (yamas), compassionately, without harm (ahimsa), empathetic; breathing in and out of the nose only sharing the joy (ananda)
Standing (Samasthittih): Kinetic alignment
Mountain (Tadasana): Body holds (bandhas)
insteps of feet supporting legs (Pada bandha) - rise up to balls of feet and balance back on heels roll to outer edges and insteps with feet aligning feel even displacement of weight in balls of toes, balls of feet, outer edges & heels as energy rises up from the Earth (Earthing the insteps.
pelvic floor/perineum supporting pelvis (mula bandha) - posterior and anterior pelvic tilts, circles & figure eights in coronal/frontal plane, sagittal plane & transverse plane multidirectionally as able which releases tension in the neck and jaw (Feldenkrais)
core supporting abdominal cavity (uddiyana bandha) - abdominals up back and in transferring strength (sukha) between lower and upper body, vie-a-vie; gentle torso rotation, twists, & lateral bends
upper back supporting chest (rhomba bandha) - original hold benefitting pelvis through a neutral spine; chest contraction & expansion to neutral shoulder alignment with scapular retraction shrugging "maybe" & after rolling shoulders up, back, down & around
neck supporting head (uddiyana bandha) - slight posterior press of the cervical spine aligning ears over shoulders, chin perpendicular to the neck nodding "no" & after nodding "yes"
center of palms of hands supporting arms & shoulders (hasta bandha) - benefits energy exchange through the carpal tunnel of the wrists supporting upper appendicular systems elbows & shoulder girdle alignment during hand balance postures (asanas)
PHASE II: Swoop; begin warm-up
A Polite-safe-space (niyamas): clean (saucha) spaces & places, pure spirit, clear mind; rejoicing in happy body sensations, feeling the faith (ishvarapranidhana)
Forward bend (viparita) Hands to toes/feet (Padangusthasana/Padahastasana): lifting by extending torso at the pelvis & lowering by flexing/hinging torso at the pelvis, ensuring abdominals are up back and in (uddiyana bandha) lifting & lowering by engaging the back of the legs - hamstring group of muscles (lateral to medial biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimebranosous) arms swooping like wings*
arms relaxed down from sides
nodding head "yes" & "no" while inverted, relaxing intervertebral cervical spine
arms bent (flexed) hands on waist/hips
*arms extending (utthiti) out from sides abducting hands away from body and adducting hands towards the body in the coronal/frontal plane while lowering flexing torso at the pelvis inverting down, and as the body lifts, extending thorax to stand
held like a fulcrum overhead increases the intensity of the pose (asana) as the thorax and upper appendicular systems (arms) hinge as one in the sagittal plane flexing at the pelvis to lower and extending to lift
centered (unjali mudra)
Standing (stihtti) wide legs (Devasana):
Cycle through poses, from all on one side to the other side in reverse order. On odd numbered days begin with the left foot back on even #ed days begin with the right foot back. Practice 1/2 a set, or perform a whole set with right or left leg forward & again with the other foot forward; physical activity (PA) with postural-alignment (asana) in three planes of motion, without comparisons, believing in yourself - intrinsically inspirational (astikya)
Extended Triangle (Utthita Trikonasana) in the coronal/frontal plane
Bound Triangle (Buddha Trikonasana) in the coronal/frontal plane
Revolved Triangle (Parvritta Trikonasana)
Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana) in the coronal/frontal plane
Bound Side Angle (Buddha Parsvakonasana) in the coronal/frontal plane
Revolved Bound Lunge (Parvritta Buddha Unjaneyasana) in the coronal/frontal plane & transverse plane
(Standing) Side Splits (Prasarita Padottanasana) in the coronal/frontal plane & sagittal plane
Headstand (Shirsasana)
(A leg to the) Side Stretch (Parsvottanasana) in the coronal/frontal plane, transverse plane as the forward leg's pelvic bone moves back and the back leg's pelvic bone moves forward aligning collateral anterior superior iliac spinal (ASIS) crests & sagittal plane as the torso extends (utthita) hinging over the side leg which has become the front leg noticing intrinsic inspiration (astikya)
OneLegFierce (EkaPadaUtkatasana) Hamstring Stretch bending back leg sit bones towards the ground while front leg draws back remaining in knee extension torso hinges forward hands to(wards) front foot lifting foot off the ground.
Hands To Foot (PadaHastasana) raising front foot off the ground back leg and torso extend (utthita) with 'front' leg in pelvic flexion extending at the knee of the lifted leg if not already extended.
Hand To Foot (PadaHastasana) with knee extended in leg pelvic flexion abduct leg to the side (coronal frontal plane)
Extended Side Torso Hand To Foot (UtthitaParsvaPadaHastasana) opening torso with arm extended back parallel to the ground
Extended Revolved Side Torso Hand To Foot (UtthitaParvrittaParsvaPadaHastasana) switching hand hold revolve torso with arm extended back parallel to the ground
Torso Over One Leg Extension (Hasta EkaPadaPascimottanasana)t
Half a set is complete, Repeat on the Other Side (ROS) to complete One Set, beginning with the other leg held stabilizing in place, for example on even numbered days (2, 4, 6, etc.) the right leg holds, stabilizing in place as the left leg moves forward, side-to-side or backward and on odd numbered days (1, 3, 5, 7 etc.) the left leg holds stabilizing in place as the right leg moves with arms held in place down from sides, at waist, swooping, overhead, centered (unjali mudra) or contralaterally to legs.
Moonsalutation, standing poses (asanas) of the primary series
Standing (Samasthiti/Tadasana)
Standing arms raised optionally onto the balls of the feet (Raja Tadasana)
Lateral bends arms raised, pressing hands towards one another while stretching from side to side
1.) Ekam [Torso Forward Flexion Holding Big toe pose (Padangustasana)]: flexing torso at the pelvis knees remain extended as able
Gently bend, flexing knees supporting the torso on the legs reaching hands to big toes bending elbows towards knees as needed
2.) Dve [Torso Forward Flexion Hands under feet (Padahastasana)]: completely invert by extending knees and flexing torso at the pelvis with hands held under the balls of the feet, elbows in toward legs flexing as needed
3.) Trini [Extended Triangle (Utthiti Trikonasana)] Legs Extended at the knees as front leg stabilizes and back leg steps back spreading legs, torso laterally flexes over the front/forward leg extending from the back leg with arms extended in the frontal/coronal plane as the front arm lowers towards the foot and the back arm reaches up aligning hands/wrists, elbows, & shoulders
Bound Triangle
Revolved Triangle
4.) Chatwari [Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parsvakonasana)]
Revolved Side Angle (Parvritta Parsvakonasana)
Revolved Bound Side Angle (Parvritta Baddha Parsvakonasana)
5.) Pancha [Spread/Wide Legs (Prasarita Padottanasana)]
6.) Zat [Spread/Wide Side Stretch (Parsvottanasana)]
7.) Sapta [Explorer I (Virabhadrasana Eka)]
Cobra no hands (Bhujangasana mukta hasta)
8.) Aztau [UpDog (UrdhvamukhaSvanasana)]
9.) Nava [Down Dog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
Handstand Scissor Kick Float up & switch legs down (AdhomukhaVrksasana)
10.) Dasha [Explorer I, II & Reverse (Virabhadrasana Eka, Dev & ...)]
handstand scissor kick legs up & together float down (AdhoMukhaVrksasana
11.) Ekadasha [DownDog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
QuadrupedHover (ChaturangaDandasana)
12.) Dahvadasha [CrocodileHold (NakrasanaAsana)]
QuadrupedHover (ChaturangaDandasana)
CrocodileHold (NakrAsana)
Cobra, no hands (MuktaHastaBhujangasana)
13.) Trayodasha [UpDog (UrdhvaMukhaSvanasana)]
14.) Chaturdasha [DownDog (AdhomukhaSvanasana)]
Handstand or Handstand Scissor Kicks (AdhoMukhaVrksasana)
A. standing B. inverted C. prone D. sitting & E. supine
PHASE VI: Stabilize (One-leg, Hand-balances & Sit-bones)
A. standing B. inverted C. prone D. sitting & E. supine
PHASE VII: Stretch
A. standing B. inverted C. prone D. sitting & E. supine
Exploration I (Virabhadrasana (Ekam)
Exploration II (Virabhadrasana (Dvi)
Exploration of Space (Virabhadrasana Option)
Sagittal Plane/Front FootToHand (PadaHastasana)
Frontal/Coronal Plane/Side Foot To Hand (ParsvaPadaHastasana)
Bound 1/2 Lotus (ArdhaBaddhaPadmasana)
Eagle (Garudasana)
1/2 Splits (Ardha Hanumanasana)
1/2 Splits Holding Back Foot Variation (ArdhaBaddhaPadaHastaHanumanasana)
Prone (Adhomukha)
Sitting & Kneeling
Supine (Urdhva Mukha)
Lying supine palms face up, arms @ sides mindful process breath (uduana) or raja shavasana with arms overhead
Feldenkrais, Moshay Pinchas (1904-1984): Ukrainian Israeli movement specialist founded the Feldenkrais Method, quoted as saying, "Making the impossible possible, the possible easy, and the easy elegant"
Correction: "PanchaHamsasana" is SwanFeatherpose - hand balance inversion with feet hovering above
Introduction: Imagine, if you will, branches on a proverbial Tree of Life or multiple arms and on a Hindi Icon having Eight-Limb (Astanga)ⁱ known at Yoga Training (Touch) as Enhancements (Aztanga) symbolic of a yogatherapist's responsibilities allowing therapists to provide, sharing blooms or gestures (mudras) of knowledge pertaining to best practices. Depending on the analogy, One limb or appendage accommodates a civil and ethical atmosphere known as yamas in Sanskrit, an ancient Subcontinent Indian language, helpfully protecting S/society and therefore S/self. Residing on a branch or digit included on the yama limb or appendage, Self-realization (Brahmacharya) can be described as monogamy, without promiscuity, resisting to benefit Self-reliance, without-touch, self-contained respecting direction/redirection furthering civility by evaluating/reevaluating until practitioners should touch. Responsibilities specific to the branch or digit of Self-realization (brahmacharya) and generally to any enhancement (aztanga) practice intentionally improve Awareness (Samadhi).
Self-realization (brahmacharya), an Individual-truth can further Ultimate-truth (Vidya) and vie-a-vie. The book The Language of Yoga by Niccoli Bachman lists Aztanga yamas as having five known examples, the fourth listed example is brahmacharya, “appropriate use of one’s vital energy”⁹. Other common Enhancement (Aztanga) civilities (yamas) include satya which can be translated as trustful, astaya as trustworthy, and the number one premise of non-harmful as empathetic-compassion (ahimsa) which is similar to the Hippocratic Oath. The fifth listed Social Ethic (Yama) is aparigraha, alikened in this dissertation to Self-assurance, a way of being happy with yourself and therefore anyone and everyone else without jealousy, without possessiveness and without greed a way without controlling and without addiction having a subset or specificity of Mithara, known as portion-control, without gluttony, measured-amounts. Four is the connection to Brahmacharya in the number system making Breath (Pranayama) the noteworthy Enhancement (Aztanga), along with Karma Yoga, whereas I breathe "therefore I am", as taking care of the exhalation naturally takes care of the inhalation benefitting the peace de resistance of the Enhancement (Aztanga) known as sensory-withdrawal/counterintuitive-relaxation/holding-tension (Pratyahara) intending (sankalpa) attention, meditation (dhyana) and Living-meditation (Samadhi).
Benefitting holistic Oneness by practicing diversity through sentient-system (chakra) value correlations connected by enhancements (aztanga) adjusting to Bio-enviro-psychi-socio-philosophical (panchamayakosha) principles integrates and unifies. Brahmacharya may be most relevantly correlated to the values from the bottom up, of the First Coccygeal-plexus (Muladhara chakra) the color red & social-groups, Fourth Cardiopulmonary-plexus (Anahata-chakra) the color green & love, and Seventh Coronal-plexus (Sahasrara-chakra) and the color white or clear & spirituality. A renowned psychologist/philosopher has said, “...resting in unity…can honor diversity”¹³ able to inform a multitude of best practices including the honoring of individual spirituality while respecting world religions revealing the scope of a philosophically and or theologically beloved, blissful, spirit (anandamayakosha) benefitting a peaceful (shanti) easy (sukha) feeling.Brahmacharya, as with all Enhancement (Aztanga) practices is a responsibility which can correlate through Chakra values integrating Pancha-maya-kosha principles.
Understanding through Sentient-system (Chakra)¹⁰/¹¹ values as well as adjusting to Bio-enviro-psychi-socio-philisophical (Pancha-maya-kosha)¹² principles provides
Oneness (Yoga) of Enhancement (Aztanga) responsibilities including and not limited to Physical (Hatha), Knowledgeable (Jnana), Cultivation (Rajas), Causative (Karma) and Loving-reverence (Bhakti), Enhancement (Aztanga) responsibilities like Self-realization (brahmacharya) an ability to branch or gesticulate enlightenment. Whereas active (Hatha) children, some of us were taught (Jnana) the revered (Bhakti) practice of time-outs known to adults as meditation (dhyana) helpful (Karma) to cultivating (Rajas) a civil-ethical-atmosphere (yama) for wanting to do what one should do. “Please pacify the uninterrupted miseries and unbearable fears, such as famines & sickness, that torment powerless beings completely oppressed by inexhaustible & violent evils, & henceforth lead us from suffering (dukha) states & place us in an ocean of happiness & joy (ananda).
Chakras 1, 4, 7 & summary-mantra
Brahmacharya generally corresponds to Muladhara, the First chakra value correlating civil-societal-norms (yamas) which can be perceived as an aura of protection, and is specifically integrated by vijnanamayakosha when applying supportive sociological practices intellectually thinking to know about the inherent worth and dignity of every person place thing and sentient being, specifically correlated to ahimsa. The Anahata Fourth chakra value, corresponding to brahmacharya as the fourth yama, generally adjusting to vitality for an environment of subtle emotional energy (pranamayakosha). Sahasrara, the Seventh Chakra specifically correlates to the literal translation of brahmacharya integrating spirituality by adjusting deep within the Bio-enviro-psychi-socio-philosophical (panchamayakosha) model of care with philosophical and or theological principles for protection (kosha) from-illusion (amaya), whereas meditation (dhyana) benefits a beloved blissful spirit (anandamayakosha)¹⁵. Keeping brahmacharya in mind during Modern Mantras¹⁶ summarizing the values of: One, Generous Genuine Gifted Gorgeous Gracious Grateful Groups; Four, Alive Arrive (Laugh Learn) Live Love Survive Thrive; and Seven, Omnipresent Non-dualistic Recuperative Regenerative Rejuvenative Restorative Tranquil Transcendental Transformative Transparency can be a preparation enlivening-life (samadhi).
Brahmacharya is literally translated as “walking in the light of God” as stated in The Yamas & Niyamas, Exploring Yoga’s Ethical Practice².
Bio-enviroTree: Enhancement (aztanga) responsibilities cultivating (rajas) senescence through sentient (chakra) values adjust to Bio-enviro-psychi-socio-philosophial (panchamayakosha) principles intending (sankalpa) simultaneous function (samadhi). When thinking metaphorically Panchamayakosha can be alikened to a tree cut transversely having growth rings, whereas this model of care provides protocols for an outer biological-sheath (anamayakosha), then an environmental-force (pranamayakosha), next a psychological-veil (manamayakosha), further-in a sociological-source (vijnanamayakosha) and finally a soul-essence (anandamayakosha)¹⁴ which work vie-a-vie, supportive from the inside out and protective from the outside in. Generally, brahmacharya is partial to an influential intermedial ethical-atmosphere (yama) around a polite-lifestyle (niyamas), an ambience located between macrocosmic natural (prakriti) surroundings encompassing microcosmic inner workings of systematic human-nature (parusha). Specifically, brahmacharya dissipates-illusion (a-maya), being integrated by five (pancha) protections (koshas).
research: The first protection (kosha) within the scope of panchamayakosha hails from health, a beneficent longevity, without-contraindications (a-maya), the scope of the biological force (anamayakosha) is a proficient physical body. Accordingly, research compiled by Dean Ornish's Lifestyle Medicine⁴ about when a person has experienced trauma found the greatest amounts of longevity comparable between marital partners and people who are one another’s confidants known as monogamy. Sexual function is healthy to loyal partners intending marital bliss, otherwise any form of Self-care (brahmacharya) propagating creativity such as yoga is effective. Relevantly, brahmacharya helping mitigate infection and morbidity rates by replacing intercourse and associated high risk behaviors with a chaste active lifestyle without discluding orgasm for an intimate no more than once daily routine loving to learn Physical Laws⁵ for riding the wave of life as energy begets energy benefitting equanimity by practicing tapas, the moral (niyama) of improving reserves when low on energy to energize and vie-a-vie in calming systems, without aggression, overcoming difficulties, producing (rajas) reproductive/sexual and or other bodily system excitement which can be known as ecstasy (samadhi).
Checking out the word Brahmacharya, one may notice the Brah, as in Bro or brother, which ironically contains the word bra, as in brazier indicating females. A brotherhood and sisterhood of friends supportive of the greater good typically found in families learned from birth outreaching to society for as the saying goes when there is peace in the home there is peace... Of course, there are "bra burners" who are considered liberal women and females who call one another sis. ...
libido: Jokes aside, free from afflictions (kleshas) such as attraction (raga) or aversion (dveza) validating Prevention and Performance (see yogatrainingtouch.com where Sessions are available) with relatively, "everything in moderation and nothing moderately"¹⁶ can explain brahmacharya. Other research such as in the article, “14 Reasons You Should Have Sex Now”, as published on WebMD⁶ states having sex one time per week lowers risk of illness, and sexual intercourse no more than once every two weeks improves happiness, while a sexual connection improves memory, but only for married people, and the National Institute of Health (NIH) carried the story, “Viagra associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer’s 4”⁷. In the U.S. and around the world a marital certificate can be the gold standard, normally a good sign of a healthy loving relationship and way people feel safe together as coitus/consumation is an harmonious celebration of peace beneficial to Self-realization (brahmacharya) which may be indicated by True-love-arising compliant with contractual civil union vows in an invested supportive relationship which can also occur when choosing not to conceive https://youtu.be/XUzggtYQ9ic. Discertaining brahmacharya contextual to Aztanga, Tantra and Panchamayakosha as resisting misappropriation, by appropriating the intellect (bindu) to perform (ojas) the gift of life¹7 with best practices blooming, remembering and applying favorite activities, held forth for understanding responsibilities, values and principles, whereas Oneness of awareness is an holistically healthy living-meditation (samadhi); love lives on.
Practice: Observing yamas including brahmacharya can reveal a soul-essence known as anandamayakosha. Utilizing a string of affirmations (japa) can make an excellent meditation (dhyana). For example, in any order, aligning (asana) kinetically holding (bandhas), breathing (pranayama) by taking care of the exhalation which takes care of the inhalation, sensorially-withdraw/counterintuitively-relax/holding-tension (pratyahara) for attention (dharana) to details of the muscular system visualizing a beautiful red color at the First coccygeal plexus (muladhara chakra), resting legs/feet-up (stupa dandasana/apanasana) utilizing a 1:3-4 ratio breath (pranayama) inhaling one second exhaling three to four seconds affirming (japa), “Have ahimsa, without harm, share the joy”. Observe energy rising, noticing the Fourth cardiac-pulmonary plexus (anahata chakra) visualizing the color green during chest/diaphragm expansions/contractions & contractions/expansions inhaling four counts exhaling twelve to sixteen counts affirming, “Gracefully thankful for an attitude of gratitude and generosity, soul searching for True-Self-Arising (Atman, Parusha, Id)”. Finally, while moving into stillness in resting-pose (shavasana) while inhaling 7 seconds and exhaling twenty-one to twenty-eight seconds drawing out the exhalation enhancing parasympathetic relaxation responses while visualizing a clear/white color at the Seventh coronal plexus (sahasrara chakra) with the japa, “Daring to dream, anything is possible, the possibility of peace (shanti)”.
Summary: Joking aside, Self-realization (brahmacharya) can be a helpful force, without pilaging, protecting the environment's natural resources when masculine and feminine energies are respected and revered (bhakti), proven within the context of physical-practice via pose counterpose known as Hatha which can also be translated as sun/sky/zest-energy (ha) and moon/earth/zen-energy (ta) uniting as givers and sustainers of cosm. Nature teaches causation (karma), that when animals are safe they space and spawn to graze, reproducing peacefully. Self-realization (brahmacharya) can be a case in point for social distancing when mandates from the World Health Organization (WHO)⁸ likened to blooms / hand gestures (mudras) on symbolic limbs are wonderful cultivations (rajas) or best practices for ease (suka). Whereas, remembering civic-responsibility (yama) mitigating dis-ease (dukha), such as pandemics like COVID-19 and other travesties with practices inspired by civility (yama) noticing nature’s goodness can benefit a Living-meditation (Samadhi). Best practices, specifically inspired by brahmacharya, naturally occur knowing (jnana) nature (Prakriti) is good therefore human-nature (Parusha) is good.
Definitions, Synonyms
Ahimsa: Kind, nonviolent, non-harming, without micro-aggressions. Helpful: Many hands make light of work. True-self arising (Parusha) with free and Ah(sana) to be God-like/Loving Peaceful (shanti)
Aparigraha: Self-assured, letting go with love, letting love, living & letting live, love lives on, without making or not letting, Gracious, without jealousy curiosity or holding-tension, graciousness without possessiveness and without greed moderation - perhaps to much of anything is as bad as to little ~ Edna Ferber (Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist), to do with food is known as Mithara - portion control.
Aztanga: Also written Astanga, Ashtanga. Eight-limbs, Enhancements, Optimizations, Peaceful Responsibilities*; (civil (yama), polite (niyama), posture (asana), breath (pranayama), holding-tension (pratyahara), attention (dharana), meditation (dhyana), living-meditation (samadhi)), ways of understanding.
Bio/neuro-enviro-psychi-socio-philosophical: Bio/neuro-enviro-psychi-socio-philosophical model of care, Bio-enviro-psychi/socio-neuro-philosophy, Bio/neuro-enviro-psychi/socio-theo/philosophical-spirituality, Bio/neuro-enviro-psychi-socio-philosophical model, Bio/neuro-enviro-psychi-socio-spirituality
Brahmacharya: Self-realized/Self-reliant, True-self, Self-confident/Self-sufficient, Self-care/Self-caring, Loyal-arising, without controlling & without addiction, Loyal-loving, Loyal-arising, Each person responsible for their own True-self benefitting themselves and therefore the greater good.
Peace: Responsible ways of understanding, one way is an Enhancement. See Aztanga
*Responsibilities: Enhancement (Aztanga) practices, wanting to do as one should do.
Jaya Kumar, Swamee Sree. Classic Asthanga With Applied Yogic Sciences. Pranava Dhama Trust, Education, Research and Therapy Centre, Mysore India, 2009.
National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, www.nih.gov/
World Health Organization (Director-General 2017-present) Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as seen on YouTube https://www.who.int. Yoga Training (Touch), ”Holistic Health: Energy System Correlations; Lifestyle, Metabolic Immune Function” by Kathryn A. Campbell C-IAYT, YA-CEP, ERYT500
Bachman, Nicolai. The Language of Yoga: Complete A-To-Y Guide to Āsana Names, Sanskrit Terms, & Chants. Sounds True, 2020.
Judith, Anodea, and Selene Vega. The Sevenfold Journey: Reclaiming Mind, Body & Spirit through the Chakras. Crossing Press, 1993.
Dale, Cyndi, and Richard Wehrman. The Subtle Body: an Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy. Sounds True, 2009.
Sat Bir Sing Khalsa, Lorenzo Cohen, Timothy McCall, Shirley Telles et al. The Principles and Practices of Yoga In Healthcare. Handsprings Publishing, Pencaitland, East Lothian, UK, 2016.
Ram Das, Harvard Psychologist. The Love Serve Remember Foundation Founder Philosopher. RamDas.org.
Weisenberg, Marit. Yoga Mind Body. Kindersley, Dorling, London, UK, 1996.
Sri Swami Satchidananda. The Yoga Sutras of Pitanjali. Integral Yoga Publications, Satchidananda Ashram, Yogaville, Buckingham, Virginia 23921, 1978/2008, www.iyiva.org
Kathryn Campbell Global Yoga Therapy Conference. Virtual Silent Meditation, Modern Mantra. Internationally provided From United States, Hosted From Australia, 2021.
Dr. David Spindler, Neurologist, Use Your Brain Chemistry for Peak Performance, Rich Roll Interview, YouTube, 7/11/2024.
Meditation (dhyana) according to an "Old Irish Prayer" is the source of power. Learning Eastern precepts has helped me understand Dhyana for following through with intentions (sankalpa). At Yoga Training (Touch) the sankalpa is perfecting peace, celebrating life and harmonizing responsibilities, values and principles. Responsibilities are learned as the Eight-ways (As(h)tanga) of Classic-practice, values via Plexus-sentience/Energy-system (Chakras) and principles are an Illusory-protection within the Bio-enviro-psychi-socio-philisophical (Panc(h)a-maya-kosha) model of care.
The responsibilities are civility (yama), politeness (niyama), posture (asana), breath (pranayama), holding-tension (pratyahara), attention (dharana) meditation (dhyana) and with an awareness of the eighth practice beyond the seventh value correlation of stillness and being a living-meditation (samadhi) as eight ways (Ashtanga) of teaching the Classics including and not limited to Physical-body (Hatha),Causative-energy (Karma), Mindful-knowledge (Jnana), Cultivated-ideas/wealth (Raja) and Reverent-devotion/love (Bhakti). Often people begin meditating (dhyana) by noticing the breath (pranayama), then thoughts brought back to the breath for quieting the mind (pratyahara) allowing for present moment attention (dharana). In western culture these preparatory practices have become known as meditation (dhyana). The importance of breath awareness (samadhi) is a Classic Karma practice when breathing (pranayama) is living utilized for power during Physical-practice (Hatha)!
The most commonly known values of the Sentient-plexus/energy system chakras are the rights to: 1.) have 2.) feel 3.) physical activity (PA) 4.) love & being loved 5.) listen & speak 6.) think & know 7.) stillness & being of the subtle body as well as the less commonly known gross body practices of twelve systems recycling around such as 8.) privacy 9.) intimacy/optimacy, 10.) ultimacy 11.) efficacy/advocacy and 12.) agency. The chakras are located at the 1.) coccygeal plexus (muladhara) 2.) sacral plexus (swadishtahna) 3.) solar plexus (manipura) 4.) cardiac-pulmonary plexus (anahata) 5.) brachial plexus (vissudha) 6.) cavernous-cerebral plexus (ajna) and 7.) coronal plexus (sahasrara) as well as 8.) above 9.) beyond 10.) connecting 11.) helping and 12.) holding. To give attention (dharana), the precursor of dhyana, according to Nischala Joy Devi spoken at a 2020 IAYT Conference author of Healing Path..., "visualize (plexus-sentient) chakras". A Hatha meditative practice holding or flowing between chest expansion and contraction poses (asana) and or movements (vinyasa) noticing diaphragmatic expansion and contraction breaths (pranayama) inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of 12-16, visualizing the cardiac-pulmonary plexus (Anahta chakra) and the color green thinking "the right to love and be loved with equanimity', studying "free and responsible ways of understanding (yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana, samadhi)", affirming (mantra/japa), "an attitude of gratitude and generosity, graciously thankful to lead and follow the heart, soul searching for True-self-arising (Brahmin, Atman, Parusha)!
By following principles of the life-force, source, essence, sheaths and or veils etc. known as, Pancha-maya-kosha, five protections from illusion for longevity, vitality, mentality, intellectuality and spirituality a person can practice the Bio-enviro-psychi-socio-philosophical model of (Self)care provided by yoga therapists. Subtle breaths are mindful (udana), bodily (asana), core sustaining (sanyana), ever present (vyana) and nose only (yoga) without mouth breathing breaths keeping the locomotive 'steam energy' within without displacement, naturally filtering the air helpful to safety, especially important when social distancing is not intact, energy (prana) in from the environment breaths are also a subtlety. (Emotional) breaths are noticed as normal, according to the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Outdoor Guide in a ratio of 3:1, therefore becoming yoga-relaxation pranayama by elongating the exhalation providing parasympathetic responses in a 4:1 ratio. Energizing breath examples include alternate-nostril (nadishodhana), guttural-throat (ujaiiy), abdominal-work (bhastrika), skull-cleansing (kaphalbhati), pelvic floor/perineum holding and deep-diaphragmatic. When attentive (dharana) to power from vitality there is an environment of subtle, emotional, energy (prana) sustained by oxygen optimized by breath (pranayama) known as the Prana-maya-kosha; specifically connected to the power of pranayama is an ability to hold-tension (pratyahara), provide-attention (dharana) and meditate (dhyana) when instructed to practice Hatha Yoga; movement-meditation!
Meditation (dhyana) examples include hand gestures (mudras) which can be expressed with the entire body during moves when holding in pose (asana), flowing (vinyasa) & quickly transitioning (kriya), similar to sign language, is body language (asana)! When utilizing a hand gesture indicating rphysicality (Hatha) choose a thumbs up mudra. Seed-sounds (biju) are Sanskrit sounds whereas one sound summarizes a set of affirmations (mantra). When strung together mantras are known as japa (visualizing the islands of Japan to remember the sanskrit term). For example the seed sound "Yauhm" affirms (mantra/japa), "Air, Alive, Arrive, Live, Love, Survive, Thrive; Pranayama". Observe the breath, for "Meditation (dhyana) is the source of power" - An Old Irish Prayer, whereas pranayama is an integral connection uniting (yoga) Body-mind!
Holding-tension (pratyahara) often occurs in easy sitting pose (sukhasana) with the right to stillness and being without-prejudice and without-blame transcendence, "when (anything not of service) other thoughts arise, detach and let them go" (Holistic Health and Healing, 2015, 48). Being attentive (dharana) to working for world peace sustained by hypothesizing theories enhanced by attention (dharana) to details in research and meta-analysis, meditating (dhyana) in peaceful-bliss, without illusion/illness, being happy (anandamayakosha) "anyways" (Post in Mother Theresa Ashram Calcutta).
- Yoga Training (Touch) with Kathryn Ann (Katie A.) Campbell C-IAYT, YA-CEP, E-RYT 500 A Yoga Therapy [C(h)ikitsa] General Practitioner specializing in Lifestyle Medicine, specializing in Performance and Prevention during Physical Rehabilitation and Energy Facilitation addressing Metabolic and Immune Function, a Continuing Education Provider, and Teacher with thousands of hours of experience. Yogatrainingtouch.com (2009-present), Helena Montana 59601; US
*JayaKumarSwameeSri, Mysore Pranavadhama Education, Research & Therapy Center, IN, 2008 who learned directly from K. Pattabhi Jois founder of Ashtanga; power yoga.
Physical Rehabilitation: Specifically designed for clients seeking specialized alignment(s), a centered frame, body balance, flexibility, stability, strength, surgical recovery and or pain relief! Includes safe movements, attentive breaths & proper technique for body integrity, wellness, and recuperation. Utilizing a functional format to improve form as form improves function.*
I usually recommend beginning supine, lying on your back. Background (pun intended) reasoning is a Service (SEVA) Workshop sponsored by the International Association of Yoga Therapists (iayt.org) wherein Jon Kabat Zin a premier yoga therapist, meditation and wellness expert provides information, required reading for anyone applying for the SEVAward. Other requirements included the aforementioned workshop taught by a yoga therapist in a wheelchair. My understanding, per instructional intention (sankalpa) is the Earth (see also Earthing), ground, floor and other supportive surfaces provide relief.
Relief is a feeling of reassurance and relaxation following release from anxiety or distress. An assistance, ... given to those in special need or difficulty. The alleviation of pain, discomfort or distress. Beneficial effects from relief vary from person to person; a person feels comfort, ease and pleasure as needed.
In yoga therapy at Yoga Training (Touch) sentient feeling sensations can be awakened see also "YT(T) Energy Facilitation". Following the felt relief from supine Stretching in a YT(T) Physical Rehabilitation Session and or program is Stabilizing, occurring in the form of hand or foot balances and next is Strengthening. Pose (asana) addressing kinetic chain "stacking" can provide 'lift' as inner holds known as bandhas support the body's frame subtly enhancing to 'lift' holding, think of feeling secure and comforted by a hug only your own body's where-with-all from within. Participating in YT(T)'s Physical Rehabilitation optimizes, notice "om", "opti" (perceptions) and "optimistic" word correlations to optimization, where form follows function and vie-a-vie as function follows form!