Thursday, November 6, 2014

Restorative Sequence

While practicing a Restorative Sequence be inclusive, intrinsic, intuitive & conscious while feeling, breathing and listening.  Stay in each pose a few minutes.  Use blankets and pillows for comfort and support.

1.)  Upright Legs (Supta Dandasana) - Lengthen legs up a wall or head board.  Stretch tailbone through to the top of the head.  Aligning while stretching the hamstrings group of muscles and back; depending on flexibility move closer or further from the support.

2.)  Supine Butterfly (Baddha Konasana) - Touch feet together with knees splayed apart, opening and stretching the adductor muscles (inner thighs including groin) Relax and breathe long and slow feeling at ease.

3.)  Supine Twist or Revolved Stomach (Jathra Padangusthasana) - Bring knees towards the chest then place knees to one side, rest, then move to the other side.  Lay with head facing away from knees.  This pose benefits the stomach and other internal organs. 
4.)  Fish (Matsyasana) - Elongate the body.  Place hands underneath the body aligning forarms.  Lift the chest towards the sky, arching the back away from the Earth and relax the head.  This is an anti-aging pose.

5.)  Feet to Hands (Apanasana) - bring knees towards chest and hold the soles of the feet while laying on your back.  Feel the spine lengthen.  Place hands under knees or hold arms at the elbows as another option.

6.)  Final Relaxation [S(h)avasana] - Relax shoulders back and down by lifting up and gently squeezing the rhomboids - muscles connecting the shoulder blades at the back side heart center.  Articulate through the spine from the tailbone to the first vertebrae at the top of the neck (cervical spine).  Roll eyes back into their sockets and breathe through the entire body beginning with toes and fingers, opening through the abs and expanding the chest.  Upon exhalation feel the body relax completely.
While breathing use the mantra "Let" on the inhalation and "Go" on the exhalation to let go of a tight, tense and/or sore body and/or mind.  Be accepting, feeling for what you have done, loving, listening, smiling and appreciating yourself and the world around you.  Feel restored with a reinvigorated mind and body.

1 comment:

  1. With essential oils and Katie's wonderful voice, this sequence is a must when you're feeling worn down or just want a little low-intensity yoga.
