Sunday, February 22, 2015

Pack Pineapple/Fresh Fruit or Veggie and Choose to Route Around Unhealthy Food

Even Natural and Organic Food Stores Sell "unhealthy" food - processed with additives. Although, the additives are not considered as unhealthy as foods that are hydrogenated and contain high fructose corn syrup; any food or drink "addiction" - eaten/drank too often can be harmful. Some “foods” should probably not be eaten.

That said, the wonderful world of foods from the Earth are best and can be eaten in larger quantities, which helps with satiation (feeling satisfied). So, if you must go to the gas station and don't have a card to pay & go or need oil. Then, head straight to the counter where there may be a fruit bowl to choose a banana, apple or orange. Be prepared to route around the candy machine by bringing something healthy from home or shop the fresh/frozen fruit and veggie aisle at the store.

Plus, a little more exercise or a quick "in one door and out the other" from a new/different/faster route and the creativity/commitment of exploring/productivity are beneficial, like a walk outside instead of to the candy machine or being early and prepared for a meeting. If you have new found time a few long, relaxed and slow breathes or even a yoga pose or two (like upright sitting posture) are better than unhealthy foods. I hope these tips help!

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