Showing posts with label cow's face. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cow's face. Show all posts

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pigeon (Kapotasana) Nest

Try five poses for flexibility.  First stretch the hip flexors (ilio psoas).  Begin in Pigeon Pose (Raja Kapotasana) by bending at the knee, of one leg, while elongating the other leg behind you, then stretch the arms - inching fingers and toes away from your midline.  Next, lift your torso for a deeper stretch. 

Second, move into Royal Pigeon Pose by bending at the knee of the elongated leg.  Either hold your foot with your hand or place the foot in the bend of the elbow.  If you can place your arms overhead and hold your toes - even better.  This stretches the knee extensors (quadriceps). 

Continue the phase by moving into Turkish Twist.  Bring the back leg to the front, over the other leg; stretching the hip extensors (glutes).  Now, with both legs bent at the knees.  Continue the pose by placing hands together near your heart in prayer (anjali-mudra).  Twist the torso, stretching your back and abdominals (core), from the hips to the top of the head.  Reaching the lower elbow towards the outside of the knee.  Finally, place eyes to see behind the body (eye yoga) and when your ready gently untwist.

Fourth pose is cow's face (gomukhasana).  Reach arms wide lifting, the side of the leg that is on bottom, up.  Then, bend the elbow and pat your neck (cervical spine).  Next, reach the other arm lowering, the side of the leg on top, down.  Then, bend the elbow and inch fingers towards one another.  Grasp fingers together in a Ganesh grip, if you can.

Finally, after repeating on the other side, try log stack.  Place the ankle of the upper leg over the knee of the lower leg and the ankle of the lower leg under the knee of the upper leg.  This pose stretches deep, near the ball and socket joints of the hips.  Next, twist the torso to align the sternum with the knee of the upper leg.  Now hinge at the hips.  Inhale and open tight sore areas.  Then, exhale to relax and release tension.  Repeat on the other side.  Feel open and flexible.