Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Friday, August 18, 2017

Swan Feather (Pancha Hamshasana)

Practice Swan Feather (Pancha Hamshasana) from Plank/Hover (Caturanga Dandasana) by floating into Hovering Butterfly! Support the body, hugging upper arms (Biceps and Triceps) towards the ribcage by contracting Serratus muscles, under the armpits, and Pectorals muscles of the chest, lift the body by stacking bones, aligning wrists below elbows using Gecko fingers or Starfish hands (Hasta Bandha) to protect the wrists; lifting out of joints by engaging muscles abates arthritis. Squeeze low back muscles (Latissimus Dorsi) and buttox muscles (Gluteaus Maximus, Minimus, and Medius), lengthening legs upward contracting the muscles (Hamstrings and Quadriceps) of the back and front of the legs. Try throat breaths (Ujjayi Pranayama) to engage the parasympathetic, relaxation (Pratyahara) response to hold (santosha) the pose, focus (Dharana) on closing the throat slightly, keep focusing (Dhyana) on the eight limbs of responsibility (ethics, morals), pose (strength, balance, flexibility), breath (counting), relaxation (parasympathetic response/prefrontal cortex engagement), focus (one pointed), meditation (continual focus), perfection (keep practicing/upward spiral)!

Practicing Reverse Plank/Hover (Purvottanasana) helps build strength for perfecting (Samadhi) Panca Hamsasana. Yoga Planks known as Hovers in the Fitness Industry are excellent core strengtheners!  Practicing Hovers prone (caturanga dandasana), supine (Purvottanasana), and to each side (Vasisthasana) create cohesive body strength, balance, and flexibility.  Actively recover in Down Dog Pose (Adhomukha Svanasana) or Child/Wisdom Pose (Balasana) before your next set.  Look for the Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana) video to come!