Showing posts with label half moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label half moon. Show all posts

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pyramid Quest

Strength, balance and flexibility.
Begin with a standing back arch by lifting the chest and aligning the head back.  This move strengthens the back and stretches the torso.  Balance through the feet, feeling the weight of the pose evenly from the tips of the toes through the heels.

Move into Runner's Lunge by hinging forward and reach the left leg back, toes to the ground.  Then, up into Crescent Lunge Pose by lengthening the arms overhead; press arms towards one another to feel the strength of the chest muscles (pectoralis).  Balance the body by feeling it's weight into the front leg's heel reverberating to the spine.

Next, try Twisting Lunges by placing hands at heart center (anjali-mudra) and twist to the inside of the body (medially).  Try binding the hands by reaching the lower hand underneath the body and the upper hand back behind.  If you can, use Ganesh Grip while lengthening, strengthening and aligning the body before returning to center.

Similarly, try twisting towards the outside of the body (laterally).  To bind, place the left armpit past the right knee and reach the left hand under the right leg while placing the forearm of the left hand along the small of your back, reaching hands into a Ganesh grip.  Return to center and move into runner's lunge.

From Runner's Lunge, go into Pyramid pose by lengthening the front leg and arms while hinging at the hips.  Lengthen through the spine, tailbone to the top of the head aligning.  Feel Jalandhara Bhanda by contracting the anterior (front) neck muscles.  Place the heel of the back foot down, pigeoning (toes ahead of the heel) to protect the knee.

Open into Triangle Pose by lifting the left arm, in alignment with the right - shoulders and hands perpendicular to the ground.  Gaze up, if you choose.  Align through the body - head, shoulders, hips, knees and toes.

Move into twisting or revolved triangle by placing the left hand down and the right hand up.  Revolve the body from the hips to the top of the head.  Feel space through the internal organs while exhaling.

Press into Half Moon by lifting the left leg and arm up; lengthening the leg parallel and the arm perpendicular to the ground.  The key to balancing here is Pada Bhanda - the strength and balance of the foot, not the hand.  Try lifting the hand while continuing to balance in the pose. 

Twist into Twisting Half Moon. Place the left arm down and the right arm up.  To advance in the pose gaze up.  Return to Crescent Lunge.

Lift into Warrior III.  Bring the back leg up and hinge the body parallel to the ground.  Outstretch fingers and toes in opposite directions.  Return to standing and repeat the series on the right side!