Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Truthfullness (Satya) & 5th Energy Center (Vishudha Chakra) Associations

One of the most important life lessons I have learned is 'honesty is the best policy'; knowing silence (listening) is just as important. The 5th power center of the pharyngeal plexus (throat) associated with communication, cooperation, collaboration and consensus is also associated with listening. 

A balanced 5th energy center (Vishudha Chakra) draws from the heart and brow center to speak kind and true; interconnecting the characteristics of kindness, caring, and compassion along with clarity, vision and intuition. Incorrect words and angry yelling can occur or a person may not speak up for them-self or someone else when the 5th Chakra is imbalanced. 

Balance by visualizing the color blue and element of sound while meditating (thinking/praying) around nature sounds. Continue enhancing the ability of the 5th energy center by thinking of happy, healthy, wealthy and wise associations (emboldened). 

To experience a subtle energy (Chakra) balance take care of yourself by speaking the good and true realities of life, remembering to wage peace by pleading the 5th because taking an oath of silence does not implicate one-self with wrong doing.  Integral to the first ashtanga (classic) yoga principle of ahimsa (non-harming) - taking care not harm yourself or someone else; you have the inherent right to speak.  Try a Yoga Training (Touch) Aroma-Restorative to heal, balance and rejuvenate; notice the effects.