Showing posts with label uttanasana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label uttanasana. Show all posts

Monday, January 5, 2015

Handstand (Adho-mukha-vrksasana); Downward-facing- tree-pose

While working for the Forest Service caring for wild-lands. The job entailed thinning trees in fire danger areas. This helps protect old-growth trees from ladder fuels which could start crown (canopy) fires. So, while felling trees we want the most oxidative to remain standing. I write this information because Handstand (Adho-mukha-vrksasana) is Downward-facing-tree-pose and while it is important to focus our breath, core strength is also integral to remain standing.

Yoga Journal magazine's July issue contains the article Defy Gravity. It states, “To ensure you have enough strength to work toward Handstand, first be sure you can hold Chaturanga-dandasana (Four-limbed-staff-pose) or Adho-mukha-svanasana (Downward-facing-dog-pose) for about 5 minutes.” Therefore, practice core strength, like flowing from Plank or Hover (Chaturanga-dandasana) → Side-plank (Vasisthasana)→ Reverse-plank (Purvottanasana) → Side-plank. Then, add variations like lifted leg and quad stretch, for the fun of it. Even try Explorer (Virabhadrasana) → side-plank → Crescent-lunge or Low-lunge (Unjanyasana) and around again, as many sets as you choose. All excellent strength building poses.

When ready incorporate handstands into a session with handstand kick-ups. Usually, during Salutations with variations. From Downward-facing-dog scissor kick by bringing the leg, that would normally lunge forward (let's say the right), half-way up the mat and kicking the other leg (the left) overhead followed by the right leg and while the legs are overhead bringing the left leg down followed by the right. Continuing, from forward bend through Salutations, or any fun flow, with the left leg moving forward and kicking up the right leg etc. Now, if you haven't already started, your doing Adho-mukha-vrksasana!