Showing posts with label strength. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strength. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2019

Yoga (Holistic) Strength

Participation often occurs upon the strength of our convictions, the tenets (yamas) and precepts (niyamas). When Centering, stand (tadasana), notice the strength and energy of the feet, pelvic floors/perineum, core, hands and neck. Feel muscles, tendons and ligaments throughout the body drawing bones into a cohesive whole. Notice breath (vyana pranayama), withdraw (pratyahara) from distractions, focus (dharana) upon yama, niyama, asana, pranayama through pratyahara in an enduring focus known as meditation (dhyana) while perfecting practices (ashtanga) of awareness (samadhi)! defines strength as:
  1. The quality or state of being strong; bodily or muscular power; vigor.
  2. Mental power, force, or vigor.
  3. Moral power, firmness, or courage.
  4. Power by reason of influence, authority, resources, numbers, etc.
  5. Number, as of personnel or ships in a force or body:
A regiment with a strength of 3000.
  1. Effective force, potency, or cogency, as of inducements or arguments:
The strength of his plea.
  1. Power of resisting force, strain, wear, etc.
  2. Vigor of action, language, feeling, etc.
  3. The effective or essential properties characteristic of a beverage, chemical, or the like:
The alcoholic strength of brandy far exceeds wine
  1. A particular proportion or concentration of these properties; intensity, as of light, color, sound, flavor, or odor:
Coffee of normal strength
  1. Something or someone that gives one strength or is a source of power or encouragements, sustenance:
The Bible was her strength and joy.
  1. Power to rise or remain firm in prices:
Stocks continued to show strength. The pound declined in strength.

The above definitions can be placed in holistic categories. The categories classifications or protections include, responsibilities values principles of a healthy physical body, powerful emotional energy, wealthy mature mind, wise intelligent intellect and happy blissful spirit. Most people have heard of body/mind or body/mind/spirit practices while approaching from a Yoga Therapists perspective Classical practices include principles of body, energy, mind, intellect and spirit!

Practicing during Strength Sessions the precept of discipline (tapas) applies. According to Deborah Adele, author of The Yamas & Niyamas, “It is our determined effort to become someone of character and strength.”  Holding positions (asanas) of strength is character building, forming us into svelte images; ‘our bodies are our temples’!

Prana, ‘energy in from the environment’ breaths help resist strain and wear. Relaxing (pratyahara) into strength is a surrendered determination which is comforting during long isometric holds. Focused attraction (dharana), often at the sight of muscular improvements may help in staying attentive (dhyana) during strength poses or thinking about the benefits of being strong, like helping with tasks. A Oneness or Holistic strength of being able is felt through to the bones with a density that lives on (see Yoga Lift); om namah shivaya!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Swan Feather (Pancha Hamshasana)

Practice Swan Feather (Pancha Hamshasana) from Plank/Hover (Caturanga Dandasana) by floating into Hovering Butterfly! Support the body, hugging upper arms (Biceps and Triceps) towards the ribcage by contracting Serratus muscles, under the armpits, and Pectorals muscles of the chest, lift the body by stacking bones, aligning wrists below elbows using Gecko fingers or Starfish hands (Hasta Bandha) to protect the wrists; lifting out of joints by engaging muscles abates arthritis. Squeeze low back muscles (Latissimus Dorsi) and buttox muscles (Gluteaus Maximus, Minimus, and Medius), lengthening legs upward contracting the muscles (Hamstrings and Quadriceps) of the back and front of the legs. Try throat breaths (Ujjayi Pranayama) to engage the parasympathetic, relaxation (Pratyahara) response to hold (santosha) the pose, focus (Dharana) on closing the throat slightly, keep focusing (Dhyana) on the eight limbs of responsibility (ethics, morals), pose (strength, balance, flexibility), breath (counting), relaxation (parasympathetic response/prefrontal cortex engagement), focus (one pointed), meditation (continual focus), perfection (keep practicing/upward spiral)!

Practicing Reverse Plank/Hover (Purvottanasana) helps build strength for perfecting (Samadhi) Panca Hamsasana. Yoga Planks known as Hovers in the Fitness Industry are excellent core strengtheners!  Practicing Hovers prone (caturanga dandasana), supine (Purvottanasana), and to each side (Vasisthasana) create cohesive body strength, balance, and flexibility.  Actively recover in Down Dog Pose (Adhomukha Svanasana) or Child/Wisdom Pose (Balasana) before your next set.  Look for the Plank (Chaturanga Dandasana) video to come!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Bandhas, Feeling Yoga Hugs From the Inside

Generally speaking Yoga is mind/body connection. Specifically, Feeling strong, balanced, flexible and relaxed is the purpose of practising yoga. There are five major areas to feel through our bodies for strength, balance and flexibility which provide poise; relaxed movement.

The five feeling areas are called locks (bandhas). When we squeeze or feel deeply these areas hug from the inside. The bandhas are located at the feet, pelvis, core (back/abs), neck and hands.

Let's begin with our feet. Feeling the pads of the heals, outer edges, balls and toes while separating the toes wide helps the feet suction. This is known as Pada Bandha.

Mula Bandha occurs at the pubococcygeus with the
pelvic floor muscles. By gripping, feeling suction and lengthening here a person's energy begins to rise (kundalini). The strength, balance and flexibility of the body reverberates up.

The abdominals sink back. The torso lifts. The spine lengthens. Udyana Bandha (hold), strengthens the body's core. 

Continue feeling dynamism by lengthening the neck. Contract the front (anterior) muscles of the neck (sternocleidomastoid). Ensure shoulders are relaxed back and down by gently squeezing the muscles (rhomboids) which connect the shoulder blades (scapula), lift the chest, align ears over shoulders - lead with the heart not the head. Jalandhara bandha is obtained by holding this alignment, even while hinging or extending forward. 

Hasta Bandha occurs during hand supported poses, energy can be felt at the palms of the hands. Fingers splay wide; imagine hands with a suction cup, starfish or geco grip. The weight of the body is felt to the tips of the fingers relieving wrist pressure. 

Bandha practice with breathes (pranayma) enforces body holds with ease when grip, lift, length and suction improve our body's strength, balance, flexibility and relaxation (pratyahara).  Feeling sensations our deepest sense of postural (asana) awareness is known (samadhi) through empowered (dhyana) focus (dharna)!

For more information visit 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Partner Yoga

Enjoy yoga with someone you trust. Close flowing movements, optional stacking poses like double plank, balancing hip-hip in tree (vrksasana) and wrap in stretching poses that offer adjustment & support.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Pyramid Quest

Strength, balance and flexibility.
Begin with a standing back arch by lifting the chest and aligning the head back.  This move strengthens the back and stretches the torso.  Balance through the feet, feeling the weight of the pose evenly from the tips of the toes through the heels.

Move into Runner's Lunge by hinging forward and reach the left leg back, toes to the ground.  Then, up into Crescent Lunge Pose by lengthening the arms overhead; press arms towards one another to feel the strength of the chest muscles (pectoralis).  Balance the body by feeling it's weight into the front leg's heel reverberating to the spine.

Next, try Twisting Lunges by placing hands at heart center (anjali-mudra) and twist to the inside of the body (medially).  Try binding the hands by reaching the lower hand underneath the body and the upper hand back behind.  If you can, use Ganesh Grip while lengthening, strengthening and aligning the body before returning to center.

Similarly, try twisting towards the outside of the body (laterally).  To bind, place the left armpit past the right knee and reach the left hand under the right leg while placing the forearm of the left hand along the small of your back, reaching hands into a Ganesh grip.  Return to center and move into runner's lunge.

From Runner's Lunge, go into Pyramid pose by lengthening the front leg and arms while hinging at the hips.  Lengthen through the spine, tailbone to the top of the head aligning.  Feel Jalandhara Bhanda by contracting the anterior (front) neck muscles.  Place the heel of the back foot down, pigeoning (toes ahead of the heel) to protect the knee.

Open into Triangle Pose by lifting the left arm, in alignment with the right - shoulders and hands perpendicular to the ground.  Gaze up, if you choose.  Align through the body - head, shoulders, hips, knees and toes.

Move into twisting or revolved triangle by placing the left hand down and the right hand up.  Revolve the body from the hips to the top of the head.  Feel space through the internal organs while exhaling.

Press into Half Moon by lifting the left leg and arm up; lengthening the leg parallel and the arm perpendicular to the ground.  The key to balancing here is Pada Bhanda - the strength and balance of the foot, not the hand.  Try lifting the hand while continuing to balance in the pose. 

Twist into Twisting Half Moon. Place the left arm down and the right arm up.  To advance in the pose gaze up.  Return to Crescent Lunge.

Lift into Warrior III.  Bring the back leg up and hinge the body parallel to the ground.  Outstretch fingers and toes in opposite directions.  Return to standing and repeat the series on the right side!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Mushroom Stroganoff A Good Choice for Strong Bones

Vitamin D is important for calcium absorption to maintain strong bones. Try this mushroom Veg. Dish which includes nutrients such as Omega 3's, B12, Iron & Vitamin D. This is a dish for dark dreary days when Vitamin D absorption from sunshine is lacking; it's an health association for the 6th & 7th Chakras (energy centers), which also includes smiling, vision/imagination/clarity and intuition, rest concise/intelligent/universal knowledge and consciousness (presence in the moment - it is a gift)!
• 1-2 C. water add more as needed (instead of oil enhances health benefits)
• 1/4 C. slivered onion – to taste, not to much (Quercitin)
• 2-3 C. mushrooms – white Button, Shitake, any others (Portabellas are also good sources of Vita. D)
• 1/4 C. uncooked noodles or rice (endurance)
• 1-2 Tbs. nutritional yeast (B12)
• 1-2 Tbs. ground flax (omega 3's)
• 1-2 Tbs. turmeric (anti-inflammatory)
• 1-2 Tbs.vegetable bouillion (various vitamins)
• 1-2 Tbs. soy sauce (improves low blood pressure)
• 1-2 Tbs. flour (to thicken)
• 1/4 c. tvp (textured vegetable protein)
• 1/2-1 c. almond milk (has 45% calcium & 25% vita. D)
  ◦ 1 tbs. Miso after cooking (live cultures)
  ◦ 1 c. serve over greens (calcium & other various vitamins) or mix in green beans instead of rice or pasta

Place water to cook pasta in a pan, turn stove to high. Place slivered onions, mushrooms and pasta in pan cook pasta. Then place all other ingredients in pan, after the pasta has cooked.  Add more water or powders as needed for a consistent sauce. Voila, your meal is ready to eat whenever you are!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sport Specific Poses (Asana) for Before, During and After Running

Sport specific yoga poses are a creative way to make the most of your yoga time. Hold poses when either taking a break during an interval run or after speed and endurance work which help rest, stretch and strengthen the feet, legs, hips and back. Malasana (squat pose), it's great for stretching the calves (gastrocnemius and soleus) and strengthening the tibialis; therefore, preventing shin splints. Standing pigeon stretches the hips and glutes while strengthening the quads and increasing proprioception, awareness of the body in space, helping to protect the knees. Dancer pose (Natarajasana) does the same while stretching the quads and hip flexors (runners lunge also stretches the ilio psoas); especially needed after running up hills, or mountains as the case may be.

Standing twists are a great way to release and relax the torso helping prevent side aches. Standing hand to foot (Utthita Jathra Padanghustasana) or the less intense forward hinge (Uttanasana) stretches the hamstrings group. These are a handful of great running poses to help the body feel prime. Choose a few or do them all adding in your favorites. Of course downward facing dog (adho-mukha-svanasana) stretches the entire back of the legs. So lift those tailbones high and sink heels down while lifting toes to strengthen the tibialis (shins). If down dog is easy for you try dolphin by coming down onto elbows – kudos for heels to the ground in this pose!

For more sport specific poses to do with cycling and swimming check out Yoga Journals article, Triple Play, in the August 2014 issue. Oh, and don't skip legs up pose (supta-dandasana). Simply lay on your back and lengthen your legs up holding your legs or feet; using a strap can help. The reverse flow of blood is an excellent way for the feet and legs to feel well rested after activities. Move into shoulder stand for even greater benefits, also helping the hips. My own, personal favorite is Pinca-Hamsasana (Swan Feather Pose), helps my back feel great. Begin in crocodile (nakrasana) - down phase of a triceps push-up, then place the torso on/near the upper-arms and lengthen legs up. Balancing prone butterfly, what I like to call hovering helicopter, is a great transition for feeling balance before lifting the legs.